Lolit Solis, notorious talent manager, is allegedly heard in an audio-taped conversation with Hayden Kho and Vicki Belo plotting the release of the now infamous Hayden Kho sex videos involving Katrina Halili, Maricar Reyes and a still unidentified “Brazilian model” (and in planning to pin the blame on 2 of Kho’s “friends”). Solis cries foul and denies that the tape tells the true story – clever editing, she says, makes it appear that she is the mastermind.
Lolit Solis will do most anything it seems to further her wards’ careers. In that, she is arguably a most devoted manager. The problem is Lolit Solis is also perhaps the most incorrigible mischief-maker in the history of Philippine entertainment. Let’s not forget that Solis engineered the rigging of the Manila Filmfest results for Best Actress and Best Actor in 1994. Recently, Solis was suspended from appearing in her own television show by the MTRCB for uttering foul language on live tv. Solis was also recently sued for libel (or is it slander?) by 2 actors, of whom she spread rumors of a gay, hotel poolside-tryst.
Solis got no jail time for her participation in the filmfest scam and her MTRB suspension is a slap on the wrist. Likely, the libel/slander suit will settle. But things surely must turn out differently in the case of the Hayden Kho sex video scandal. For this time around, Solis’ mischief has wreaked far greater damage than the loss of acting trophies. Solis has in the cruelest way ruined reputations – and lives. There must be a settling of accounts.* In Solis must be instilled some fear of God. This time, we must lock her up some.
*Solis and her co-conspirators, Kho and Belo, could be charged with the following crimes:
(a) Art. 359. Slander by deed. — The penalty of arresto mayor in its maximum period to prision correccional in its minimum period or a fine ranging from 200 to 1,000 pesos shall be imposed upon any person who shall perform any act x x x which shall cast dishonor, discredit or contempt upon another person. If said act is not of a serious nature, the penalty shall be arresto menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos.
(b) Art. 364. Intriguing against honor. — The penalty of arresto menor or fine not exceeding 200 pesos shall be imposed for any intrigue which has for its principal purpose to blemish the honor or reputation of a person.
Kho could also be made criminally liable for violation of the “Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004”.
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