Give Me An Orange
This blog's getting too serious. And boring. So here's something to brighten it up a bit.
"The Dodo marked out a race-course, and then all the party were placed along the course, here and there. They began running when they liked, and left off when they liked, so that it was not easy to know when the race was over. After about half an hour or so, the Dodo suddenly called out `The race is over!' and they all crowded round it, panting, and asking, `But who has won?' The Dodo sat for a long time ... At last it said, `Everybody has won, and all must have prizes.' (Alice in Wonderland)
This blog's getting too serious. And boring. So here's something to brighten it up a bit.
which is why we are so "lucky" that lawyers charge by the hour instead of by the number of words...
- from " this really the best that you can do?"
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