Apologies for my neglect in posting here. Rest assured I have not forgotten how important blogging is for my emotional and psychological well-being (ha ha ha). It's just that I went through a crisis of sorts fairly recently (That story for a later post) and wasn't as yet prepared to write, lest the negative feelings find a way to peep through my words.
So, it's the new year ... HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Time for some resolutions:
1. No. 1 on the list: Quit Smoking. Aaah, easier said than done, I know. But I have a golden opportunity in the days to come to fulfill the dream: I will be under the knife (knives, actually) on January 4 till perhaps the 7th for 2 surgeries: a tonsilectomy and a rather embarrassing procedure that involves the removal of some foreign, liquid object in my reproductive system (Sorry, it has to be so graphic; the scientific name of the procedure and the condition it is supposed to correct are no better). This means I will be in the hospital for at least 4 nights. FOUR nights!!! And, as you know, hospitals are no smoking buildings and, hence, no opportunity to light up them fags. I am not looking forward to it, tell you the truth; but if I manage to be a good girl (and if it were not absolutely impossible), I will not sneak out of the hospital room for a late-night smoke during my brief hiatus there.
2. Come to work on time. Again, easier said than done. But at least I am really, really sincere about making this happen. And I have the zeal for it, mind you. I'm tired of the embarrassing walks down the corridors at 10:30 am, and the stares from people hard at work since 8:30 am that go along with it. Not to mention, this'll keep Ponch at bay. (Hey, today I had a really good excuse to be late!)
3. No more fighting off sleep!!! I will manage, henceforth, to listen to my body, to sleep when I need to, no matter the time. No more sleeping at 2 am because the 2 hours between 12 and 2 am (and the alone-time that goes with them)seem too valuable a time to waste with your eyes closed. I will be modest, though; I will shoot for 1 am first and move up from there. Ha. A realistic target.
4. I will post / blog more regularly. Self-explanatory.
5. I will not procrastinate at work. This means no more putting off those "dumb things I gotta do" (like those boring admin. contract revisions) till the 'morrow. The sooner these little annoyances get done, the more time I have for the big things.
6. I will not sweat the small stuff. I will attempt not to get upset about the little things that distress small people. Henceforth, I will remind myself that there are more important things to gripe about. Mwahahaha!
7. I will shower my friends with looooove (read with a drawwwwl). Tee hee.
8. I will stop giving in to my daughter's tantrums (or her absolutely cute kawawa face), will not renegotiate time allowed for play, tv, or what-not, and will discipline her to stay at the table for meals. (Gosh, this will be the most difficult resolution to keep!)
9. I will try my darnedest not to find loopholes and "lawyer" myself out of these resolutions, despite the truth that resolutions are meant to be broken, this "contract" is non-binding (Hey, there's no consideration!) and unenforceable, it's unsigned, most of the obligations are virtually impossible to perform, it's made under severe duress (the spirit of the season -- and pressure from family) ....
10. No matter what happens, I will be good to myself this year. Ah ... now we're talking of things self-mollifying and, more importantly, achievable.